Advice From E+ROSE Founder and CEO R.D. Robbie Nowinski
With us coming into a new year and most of us starting to make goals – we wanted to take some time to hear from our founder about his healthy habits and learn the reasons why we should consider implementing them too! Here are a few wellness focused habits to help inspire you for when you are thinking of your 2023 goals.
Stay Hydrated

Drinking 16 ounces of water within the first 10 minutes of waking is so essential to start your day off on a path to wellness. During the night, your body is undergoing massive recovery, and you just went ~7-8 hours with no water. 75% of the brain is made up of water, and ~2/3rds of the body as a whole – so the importance of water, in general, can not be overstated. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps to hydrate and detoxify your body and helps offset hunger, so you do not overeat. *I recommend adding a squeeze of lemon juice, a touch of Himalayan salt, and cayenne pepper for an alkalizing, metabolism, and immune-boosting component to the hydration routine.
Move Your Body

Do something active. Whether it be a quick run, a simple set of push-ups, a walk outside, or a deep stretch- getting the body moving somehow is so crucial for me. When we over complicate exercise, there are more excuses not to do it. I use my time exercising as a type of meditation to set my mind for the day, while increasing my heart rate to promote the movement of oxygen deeper into my body. I will also do breathing exercises simultaneously to enhance the benefits further.
Don’t Ignore Your Sleep
We live in a world that doesn’t stop. Work follows us everywhere, social media connects us to all, at all times, and there is nothing more important than good rest and recovery. With the amount of wearable technology available to us today, we can track our sleep quantity and quality. Start using this data to inspire you to get in bed a few minutes earlier & to start making sleep and rest a priority.
For Your Brains Health – Eat Clean

The number of people struggling with mental health is alarming – and I think there is a significant disconnect in that the foods we eat actually play a huge role in our hormones, energy levels, stress levels, and ultimately mental health in general. Food additives such as artificial sweeteners and colorings have demonstrated cognitive disturbances in scientific studies, and nutrient deficiencies can cause hormonal imbalance leading to mental inefficiency and struggle. As people start to equate what they eat to how they feel, and modify food choices accordingly, we can slowly begin to put a dent in the mental health crisis.
Start Simple & Be Patient

Eat real, whole foods and don’t stress yourself out if you eat something not so great for you – just try to make a better choice next time. One bad meal isn’t going to ruin you, but continuous bad eating habits over time can and most likely will. So start simple and add on as you go. Add some extra veggies to your plates & focus on choosing foods that will keep you energized! Maybe start with one meal a day that you make a more nourishing choice with (a dense smoothie instead of a plain bagel?), and continue to make changes from there.
Feel your best in 2023!
Let us know if you start to implement any of these healthy habits and how it goes!
Eat Well, Be Kind.
The E+ROSE Team