Written by the Cleo Team

Cleo products can be found at E+ROSE Wedgewood Houston

We created Cleo with the goal of maximizing and promoting quality over quantity, clean ingredients over toxic ones, and ultimately health over sickness.

Like many others, we too started to ask questions about what goes into the products we use everyday. What is in our dish soap? What are we washing our dishes with and soaking our fruits and vegetables in? What are the ingredients being used in our household cleaning supplies?  How do these ingredients affect my health and the health of my family? Is there a better way to package and purchase products to cut back on single use plastic?

Once we had the answers to the questions we asked, we decided to create our own refillable products that were safe for daily use, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, sustainably made at an attainable price.

Making a conscious change to switch out the products we use on a daily basis can feel overwhelming. It almost seemed we needed to throw out our whole house and start over, but that sounded expensive and daunting. Instead we began by taking small steps in the right direction. We found and created products that not only fit within our clean living standard but worked effectively. We partnered with an incredible, local design team to create a look that was both eye catching and minimalistic.

Our hope was to create a product that did not overwhelm those wanting to make the switch to clean products. Our vision was to learn, alongside our community, how to “go clean”.

Cleo embraces the idea that we can have clean, non-toxic products that work, smell wonderful, and look good. Cleo works with the Nashville and surrounding communities in providing a product that can eliminate single use plastic by offering refillable household products. Cleo offers excellent products, made with clean ingredients. Cleo is essentially a community where we can learn how to make changes as we go and grow together. Cleo offers you the chance to #goclean, #gocleo.

Cleo Products are available online or at E+ROSE Wedgewood Houston

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