Start your Sunday morning with mindful movement with out Wedgewood Houston neighbors Diskin Cider, HAUM Sound Bath, and Members Health Co. Unroll your mat for a gentle restorative yoga flow, followed a guided meditation and sound bath. The powerful frequencies of live singing bowls interact with your body on a cellular level with the intention of fully letting go and relaxing to help calm the mind and nervous system. Experience the blissful journey to deep healing and total relaxation.
Post stretch you can sip on a specialty wellness cidermosa made by the Diskin team with E+ROSE Wellness Cold-Pressed Juice.
All levels are welcome!
- 45-minute Restorative Yoga Flow & Sound Bath
- Diskin Cider X E+ROSE Wellness Cidermosa
- Complimentary B12 shot provided by Members Health Co
- Exclusive E+ROSE Discount Code
Plus you can win special event giveaways! See below for more details.
- Yoga Mat *required* – All participants must bring your own mat!
- Wear comfortable, stretchy clothes you can move and sweat in
- Valid License/ID for Cidermosa
Doors open at 10:45am. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early for ample time to park and check-in for class.
SIP & STRETCH: $35 per person

Indulge your senses and go on an adventure with HAUM Nashville. Sound vibrations move through your body, creating waves of relaxation, restoration and revelations. Relax in your own home, we’ll come to you. Some people see shapes and colors, have spirit animals visit, connection to inner child, future self- some get a nice physical battery recharge. Various crystal & Tibetan bowls, chimes & gongs wash over your body, leaving you with an internal glow.

At Members Health Co, we are excited to do things differently. We are changing healthcare to focus on what matters most: our patients.
One lucky yogi will win gift cards from both E+ROSE Wellness Company and Diskin Cider!!