Half Day Juice Cleanse


rehydrate, detox your body + reboot.

Organic Detox, Organic Cold Snap, Organic Sea Green, Organic Music City Sunrise

Need a quick detox? Have a rough weekend and want to get back on track? This plan is perfect for getting a plethora of nutrients into your body and flushing out some toxins while not committing to a full day Juice Cleanse. We believe in providing the plan that is right for you, and we know sometimes a full cleanse is just not in the mix. We wish to help you start over, to detox, and to simply get started on a path of wellness.


The BEAUTY is in the details.

Sometimes we get off the wellness path and simply need a restart. The HALF DAY Juice Cleanse program in Nashville intends to put you back on track with an influx of nutrients from our local juice bars before dinner. We recommend three days of the Half Day Juice Cleanse for the most benefit, however if you are looking for just a one day post-weekend recovery, then this can fill that need as well.

the goods

Below are the items contained with our Half-Day juice cleanse:

Organic Detox


Organic Detox

  • organic cucumber
  • organic pineapple
  • organic celery
  • organic chard
  • organic kale
  • organic cilantro
  • organic lemon

A plethora of greens with a touch of sweet make this an alkalizing, detox powerhouse.

Organic Cold Snap


Organic Cold Snap

  • organic apple
  • organic ginger
  • organic mint
  • organic kale
  • organic spinach
  • organic parsley
  • organic chard

Our most popular juice, this green goddess is packed with micronutrients will push you through the morning and right into the afternoon.

Organic Sea Green


Organic Sea Green

  • organic celery
  • organic pineapple
  • organic green apple
  • organic kale
  • organic spirulina + jicama

An extra dose of greens from the land and the sea to burst your body with nutrients to enhance your cells.

Organic Music City Sunrise


Organic Music City Sunrise

  • organic carrot
  • organic apple
  • organic turmeric
  • organic ginger
  • organic lemon

A mid-day snack of the most vibrant orange color from mother earth. Laden with the super roots turmeric and ginger for an anti-inflammatory boost.


the PLAN

Over the course of your cleanse, we recommend drinking your first juice right after you wake up, and consuming your next juice in the order (above) every two hours. This is meant to maximize the nutrients in each item and to provide you with the most pleasant experience. If, however, you desire to change the order, this should not negatively effect the outcome of your cleanse/fast.

The most typical duration of a cleanse is 3 days. We highly recommend eating light foods the day prior to your cleanse, and one of our Intermittent Fasts for at least one day after your cleanse. We recommend consuming water in between each E+ROSE item to maximize hydration, and we recommend abstaining from other foods and caffeine. If, however, you find yourself needing more food, we suggest eating raw fruits, vegetables, and/or nuts.


a few of our favorite things

  • Reduced cravings for unhealthy food choices
  • Rehydrated body
  • Refreshed mind
  • Likely a few pounds lost
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved complexion
  • Boosted immune system
  • Reduced bloating
  • Boosted metabolism
  • Reduced stress
  • Better sleep

a few TIPS

Things to keep in mind as you intermittent fast with our juice:

Stay hydrated by drinking water in between juices. We recommend filling up your juice bottle with water and sipping on it until it is time for your next juice.

Consume each juice approximately 1.5 to 2 hours apart.

If you must eat before the end of the juices, consume raw fruits, vegetables, or nuts

Immediately before and after the cleanse, stick to unprocessed whole foods.

Abstain from coffee and alcohol. Green tea is great and can replace caffeine while assisting as a detox agent.

You may experience detox symptoms as your body begins to heal. This is normal and means you’re getting better!

These juices are raw and unpastuerized, so be sure to keep them refrigerated.

You are embarking on a wellness journey. Listen to your body, relax, enjoy the juice, and congratulate yourself for making the effort! Whether you are beginning a new journey of health or continuing on the path, we are here to answer any and all questions.

please note –

it may require 48 hours for us to fulfill your cleanse request. We will attempt to get everything prepared for you as quickly as possible, but as we freshly cold-press our juices in-house, this advanced notice will allow for the most recent batch of juices and properly coordinated pickup/delivery. Feel free to call either store or email us at catering@eandrose.com so we can accommodate you as best as possible.

*None of the statements have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. We do not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease, ailment, or health issue. However, the information contained herein was researched and approved by our in-house Registered Dietitian.