Take hold of your health and say yes to more nourishing and satisfying decisions.

If you are still waiting for the perfect time to jump into your wellness journey- start with a simple step of kindness towards yourself and commit to that step. You could:

  • Choose to start your morning with drinking water.
  • Repeat a mantra such as- “ I am loved.” “I am strong.” “I am enough.”
  • Listen to your favorite podcast while you get ready
  • Make time for a few intentional breaths

And after that first small step of wellness, ask yourself what another step towards health would be? Is it staying off of your phone for an hour? Is it prepping your breakfast or making a plan to pick up something nourishing? Is it reading before bed or journaling for 20 minutes to let your thoughts flow? Whatever step you choose, make sure you are doing it for you.

As you begin taking these small steps, whatever they may be- be kind to yourself. Health and wellness is more than just nourishing our bodies, it is also about respecting and being kind to our minds and mental wellbeing. Our Wellness journeys start to get tricky when we start being harsh to ourselves and expressing anger and guilt when we “mess up” or don’t do what we said we were going to do.

Your journey is YOUR journey and that is so important to remember. Comparisons and expectations can lead you into believing you aren’t doing enough, or someone else is doing better than you. Everyone’s journey is different and that’s what makes every small step so special. Your journey is unique to you.

Take it one step at a time and be proud of where you have been and where you are. 

Just start and see where it leads you- you are worth it.